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Description #

Source #

File: includes/lib/stripe-php/lib/Service/QuoteService.php

Methods #

  • accept — Accepts the specified quote.
  • all — Returns a list of your quotes.
  • allComputedUpfrontLineItems — When retrieving a quote, there is an includable computed.upfront.line_items property containing the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of upfront line items.
  • allLineItems — When retrieving a quote, there is an includable line_items property containing the first handful of those items. There is also a URL where you can retrieve the full (paginated) list of line items.
  • cancel — Cancels the quote.
  • create — A quote models prices and services for a customer. Default options for header, description, footer, and expires_at can be set in the dashboard via the quote template.
  • finalizeQuote — Finalizes the quote.
  • pdf — Download the PDF for a finalized quote.
  • retrieve — Retrieves the quote with the given ID.
  • update — A quote models prices and services for a customer.