ProQuiz question model.
Description #
Source #
File: includes/lib/wp-pro-quiz/lib/model/WpProQuiz_Model_Question.php
Methods #
- get_object_as_array
- get_specific_question_model — Initialize the specific question answer type model.
- get_specific_question_model_class
- getAnswerData — Returns Answer Data for the Question Model.
- getAnswerType
- getCategoryId
- getCategoryName
- getCorrectMsg
- getId
- getIncorrectMsg
- getMatrixSortAnswerCriteriaWidth
- getOnline
- getPoints — Gets the points.
- getPreviousId
- getQuestion
- getQuestionPostId
- getQuizId
- getSort
- getTipMsg
- getTitle
- isAnswerPointsActivated
- isAnswerPointsDiffModusActivated
- isCorrectSameText
- isDisableCorrect
- isShowPointsInBox
- isTipEnabled
- set_array_to_object — Sets the object properties from an array of values.
- setAnswerData
- setAnswerPointsActivated
- setAnswerPointsDiffModusActivated
- setAnswerType
- setCategoryId
- setCategoryName
- setCorrectMsg
- setCorrectSameText
- setDisableCorrect
- setId
- setIncorrectMsg
- setMatrixSortAnswerCriteriaWidth
- setOnline
- setPoints — Sets the points.
- setPreviousId
- setQuestion
- setQuestionPostId
- setQuizId
- setShowPointsInBox
- setSort
- setTipEnabled
- setTipMsg
- setTitle