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This function has been deprecated. This complex logic is not needed anymore, we use learndash_next_post_link() to get the next step instead.

learndash_next_global_quiz( boolean $url = true,  int|null $user_id = null,  int|null $id = null,  array $exclude = array() )

Gets the next quiz for a course.

Description #

Parameters #


(boolean) (Optional) Whether to return URL for the next quiz.

Default value: true


(int|null) (Optional) User ID. Defaults to the current logged-in user.

Default value: null


(int|null) (Optional) The ID of the resource.

Default value: null


(array) (Optional) An array of quiz IDs to exclude.

Default value: array()

Return #

(int|string) The ID or the URL of the quiz.

Source #

File: includes/deprecated/4.11.0/functions.php

Changelog #

Version Description
4.11.0 This complex logic is not needed anymore, we use learndash_next_post_link() to get the next step.
2.1.0 Introduced. This function has been deprecated. This complex logic is not needed anymore, we use learndash_next_post_link() to get the next step instead.