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This function has been deprecated. This function was not used anywhere, and it’s not useful anymore instead.

learndash_next_lesson_quiz( boolean $url = true,  int|null $user_id = null,  int|null $lesson_id = null,  array $exclude = array() )

Gets the next quiz for current lesson for a user.

Description #

Parameters #


(boolean) (Optional) Whether to return URL for the next quiz.

Default value: true


(int|null) (Optional) User ID. Defaults to the current logged-in user.

Default value: null


(int|null) (Optional) Lesson ID.

Default value: null


(array) (Optional) An array of quiz IDs to exclude.

Default value: array()

Return #

(int|string) The ID or the URL of the quiz.

Source #

File: includes/deprecated/4.11.0/functions.php

Changelog #

Version Description
4.11.0 This function was not used anywhere, and it's not useful anymore.
2.1.0 Introduced. This function has been deprecated. This function was not used anywhere, and it's not useful anymore instead.