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apply_filters( 'learndash_content_tabs',  array $tabs,  string $context,  int $course_id,  int $user_id )

Filters LearnDash content Tabs.

Description #

Parameters #


(array) An array of tabs array data. The tabs array data can contain keys for id, icon, label, content.


(string) The context where the tabs are shown like course, lesson, topic, quiz, etc.


(int) Course ID.


(int) User ID.

Source #

File: themes/ld30/templates/modules/tabs.php

Examples #

Note: Extended code example below not guaranteed, you may need to consult with a developer

 * Example usage for learndash_content_tabs filter.
	function( $tabs = array(), $context = '', $course_id = 0, $user_id = 0 ) {

		// Add optional logic to show the custom tab only on certain courses.
		// If ( 123 === $course_id ) {
		// Add tab content here.
		// }

		// Add our Custom Downloads Tab.
		if ( ! isset( $tabs['downloads'] ) ) {
			$tabs['downloads'] = array(
				'id'      => 'downloads',
				// The value here is to a CSS class you control to show an icon.
				'icon'    => 'ld-downloads-icon',
				'label'   => 'Downloads',
				'content' => '<p>Here is a list of files for the Course:</p>
				<li><a href="">File One</a></li>
				<li><a href="">File Two</a></li>
				<li><a href="">File Three</a></li>

		// Always return $tabs.
		return $tabs;

Changelog #

Version Description
3.0.0 Introduced.