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apply_filters( 'learndash_quiz_check_answer',  boolean $check_answer,  string $question_type,  string $answer,  array $correct_answers,  int $answer_index,  WpProQuiz_Model_Question $question_model )

Filters whether to check the answer of close type question.

Description #

Parameters #


(boolean) Whether to check the answer.


(string) Type of the question.


(string) The answer given by user for the question.


(array) An array of correct answers for the question.


(int) Answer index.


(WpProQuiz_Model_Question) Question model object.

Source #

File: includes/quiz/ld-quiz-pro.php

Examples #

Note: Extended code example below not guaranteed, you may need to consult with a developer

 * Example usage for learndash_quiz_check_answer filter.
	function ( $correct = false, $question_type = 'cloze_answer', $user_response = null, $correctData = null, $answerIndex = 0, $questionModel = null ) {

		// v2.5 added
		if ( $question_type == 'cloze_answer' ) {

			// Check if this is from a specific quiz ID
			if ( $questionModel->getQuizId() == 2 ) {

				// Check if this is from a specific question ID
				if ( $questionModel->getId() == 4 ) {

					// perform some logic to compare the $user_response to the array of $correctData items

					// As an example we are gettng the real answer data again from the quiz and perform out own compare logic.
					$answer_data = $questionModel->getAnswerData();
					if ( isset( $answer_data[0] ) ) {
						$q_answer_text = $answer_data[0]->getAnswer();
						if ( ! empty( $q_answer_text ) ) {
							// What will be returned in the $q_answers is an array of possible answers in the 'correct' node for this question element.
							// So if the answer string is '{[play][love][hate]}' then $q_answers[correct] will be an array with these values.

							// The 'false' argument to the function learndash_question_cloze_fetch_data prevents converting the answer texts to lowercase.
							$q_answers = learndash_question_cloze_fetch_data( $q_answer_text, false );
							if ( ( isset( $q_answers['correct'][ $answerIndex ] ) ) && ( ! empty( $q_answers['correct'][ $answerIndex ] ) ) ) {
								if ( ! in_array( $user_response, $q_answers['correct'][ $answerIndex ] ) ) {
									$correct = false;

		// Always return $correct;
		return $correct;
