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apply_filters( 'show_user_profile_quiz_statistics',  boolean $show_stats,  int $user_id,  array $quiz_attempt,  string $context )

Filters whether to Display User Quiz Statistics.

Description #

This filter allows display-time control over displaying the user quiz statistics link. This link is shown on the user profile when using the [ld_profile] shortcode, the Course Info Widget and the user’s WP Profile.

This filter is only called if the quiz_attempt contained the reference field ‘statistic_ref_id’ which links the user meta record to the statistics row. Also, the viewing user must a) match the used record being viewed OR b) be an administrator OR c) be a group leader and the user is within the group leader managed groups.

Parameters #


(boolean) This will be true or false and determined from the 'View Profile Statistics' quiz setting.


(int) The ID of the user quiz to be displayed.


(array) This is the quiz attempt array read from the user meta.


(string) This will be the file where this filter is being called. Possible values are 'course_info_shortcode.php', 'profile.php' or other.

Source #

File: themes/ld30/templates/quiz/partials/attempt.php

Examples #

Note: Extended code example below not guaranteed, you may need to consult with a developer

 * Example usage for show_user_profile_quiz_statistics filter.
add_filter( 'show_user_profile_quiz_statistics', 'show_user_profile_quiz_statistics_proc', 10, 4 );
function show_user_profile_quiz_statistics_proc( $show_stats, $user_id, $quiz_attempt, $context = '' ) {

	// Example of checking context match on some custom template
	if ( 'test.php' == $context ) {
		$show_stats = true;
	} else {
		$show_stats = false;

	return $show_stats;

	function ( $can_view, $user_id = 0, $quiz_attempt = array(), $file = '' ) {

		// Example 1: To override ALL quizzes setting.
		$can_view = true;

		// The $quiz_attempt array will look similar to the following
		// Array
		// (
		// [quiz] => 103
		// [score] => 2
		// [count] => 2
		// [question_show_count] => 2
		// [pass] => 1
		// [rank] => -
		// [time] => 1492711057
		// [pro_quizid] => 4
		// [points] => 8
		// [total_points] => 8
		// [percentage] => 100
		// [timespent] => 8.915
		// [has_graded] =>
		// [statistic_ref_id] => 1
		// [started] => 1492711048
		// [completed] => 1492711056
		// )

		// Example 2: Override only for specific Quiz Post $quiz_attempt['quiz'] value.
		// If ( $quiz_attempt['quiz'] == 134 ) {
		// $can_view = true;
		// } else {
		// $can_view = false;
		// }

		// Example 3: Override only for specific Quiz percentage.
		// If ( $quiz_attempt['percentage'] > 95 ) {
		// $can_view = true;
		// } else {
		// $can_view = false;
		// }

		// Always return $can_view
		return $can_view;


Changelog #

Version Description
2.3.0 Introduced.