LearnDash_Gutenberg_Block::render_block( array $block_attributes = array(), string $block_content = '', WP_block $block = null )
Render Block
Description #
This function is called per the register_block_type() function above. This function will output the block rendered content. This is called from within the admin edit post type page via an AJAX-type call to the server.
Each sub-subclassed instance should provide its own version of this function.
Parameters #
- $block_attributes
(array) (Optional) The block attributes.
Default value: array()
- $block_content
(string) (Optional) The block content.
Default value: ''
- $block
(WP_block) (Optional) The block object.
Default value: null
Return #
(void) The output is echoed.
Source #
File: includes/gutenberg/lib/class-learndash-gutenberg-block.php
Changelog #
Version | Description |
2.5.9 | Introduced. |