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LearnDash_Gutenberg_Block_Courseinfo::learndash_block_markers_shortcode_atts_filter( array $attributes = array(),  string $shortcode_slug = '',  string $block_slug = '',  string $content = '' )

Called from the LD function learndash_convert_block_markers_shortcode() when parsing the block content.

Description #

Parameters #


(array) (Optional) The array of attributes parse from the block content.

Default value: array()


(string) (Optional) This will match the related LD shortcode ld_profile, ld_course_list, etc.

Default value: ''


(string) (Optional) This is the block token being processed. Normally same as the shortcode but underscore replaced with dash.

Default value: ''


(string) (Optional) This is the orignal full content being parsed.

Default value: ''

Return #

(array) $attributes.

Source #

File: includes/gutenberg/blocks/ld-courseinfo/index.php

Changelog #

Version Description
2.5.9 Introduced.