Schema #
The schema defines all the fields that exist within a question record. Any response from these endpoints can be expected to contain the fields below unless the `_filter` query parameter is used or the schema field only appears in a specific context.
_id integer |
Unique identifier for the object. Read only Context: |
_quizId integer |
The ID of the quiz associated with the question. Read only Context: |
_sort integer |
The order of the question in the quiz Context: |
_title string |
The title for the object. Context: |
_question string |
The question content Context: |
_correctMsg string |
The message to show when the answer is correct. Context: |
_incorrectMsg string |
The message to show when the answer is incorrect. Context: |
_correctSameText boolean |
Whether the incorrect and correct message are same. Context: |
_tipEnabled boolean |
The message to show when the answer is incorrect. Context: |
_tipMsg string |
The solution hint for the question. Context: |
_points boolean |
The total number of points that can be obtained from the question Context: |
_showPointsInBox boolean |
Whether to show points in box. Context: |
_answerPointsActivated boolean |
Whether the individual points for the answers are activated. Context: |
_answerType string |
The type of the answer. Context: One of: |
_answerPointsDiffModusActivated boolean, null |
Whether the different points modus is activated. Context: |
_disableCorrect boolean |
Whether to distinguish between correct and incorrect when the different point modus is activated. Context: |
_matrixSortAnswerCriteriaWidth integer |
The percentage width of the criteria table column for matrix sort answer. Context: |
_answerData array |
An array of answer data objects Context: |
question_id integer |
The question post ID. Read only Context: |
question_post_title string |
The question post title. Context: |
Retrieve a Question #
Definition & Example Request #
GET /ldlms/v1/sfwd-questions/<id>
Query this endpoint to retrieve a specific question record.
$ curl<id>
Sample Response #
{ "_id": 429, "_quizId": 46, "_sort": 1, "_title": "Question: 1", "_question": "In this video Fein states at 1:34 <em>"We often relate to the body as an instrument that helps bring what's happening in our minds into the world, and often this relationship is ______." </em>", "_correctMsg": "Nice job.", "_incorrectMsg": "See the correct answer highlighted in green above.", "_correctSameText": false, "_tipEnabled": false, "_tipMsg": "", "_points": 1, "_showPointsInBox": false, "_answerPointsActivated": false, "_answerType": "single", "_answerPointsDiffModusActivated": null, "_disableCorrect": false, "_matrixSortAnswerCriteriaWidth": 20, "_answerData": [ { "_answer": "a. Painful", "_html": false, "_points": 0, "_correct": false, "_sortString": "", "_sortStringHtml": false, "_graded": false, "_gradingProgression": "not-graded-none", "_gradedType": null }, { "_answer": "b. Problematic", "_html": false, "_points": 0, "_correct": false, "_sortString": "", "_sortStringHtml": false, "_graded": false, "_gradingProgression": "not-graded-none", "_gradedType": null }, { "_answer": "c. Superficial", "_html": false, "_points": 0, "_correct": true, "_sortString": "", "_sortStringHtml": false, "_graded": false, "_gradingProgression": "not-graded-none", "_gradedType": null }, { "_answer": "d. Stupid", "_html": false, "_points": 0, "_correct": false, "_sortString": "", "_sortStringHtml": false, "_graded": false, "_gradingProgression": "not-graded-none", "_gradedType": null } ], "question_id": 82968, "question_post_title": "Question: 1" }
Arguments #
id |
The question ID Required: 1 |