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Add certificate expire date based upon course completion date


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// expires on: [cert_expire offset="+5 years" format="M j, Y"][courseinfo show="completed_on" format="Y-m-d"][/cert_expire]
add_shortcode('cert_expire', function($atts = array(), $content = '') {
	if ( !empty( $content ) ) {
		// We call do_shortcode to have LD process the inner shortcode [courseinfo] section. 
		$content = do_shortcode( $content );
		if ( !empty( $content ) ) {

			// the returned value should be YYYY-MM-DD as per the inner shortcode courseinfo format 
			// so now we convert it to a timestamp and adjust per the offset. 
			$course_completed_on_timestamp = strtotime( $atts['offset'], strtotime( $content ) );
			// The taking that adjusted timestamp we now reformat per the cert_expire format 
			$content = date( $atts['format'], $course_completed_on_timestamp );
		} else {
			// If content is empty we set our return value to an empty string
			$content = '';
	} else {
		// If content is empty we set our return value to an empty string
		$content = '';

	return $content;	