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Bypass drip logic if user enrolled in group


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Important: All snippets are provided as-is without support or guarantees. These snippets are provided as guidelines for advanced users looking to customize LearnDash. For any additional help or support with these snippets, we recommend reaching out to a LearnDash Expert.

add_filter( 'learndash_user_can_bypass', function( $can_bypass, $user_id, $context, $args ) {

	if ( 'learndash_course_lesson_not_available' === $context ) {
		$course_id = learndash_get_course_id();
		$course_id = absint( $course_id );

		// Change the values to match your course(s).
		if ( ( ! empty( $course_id ) ) && ( in_array( $course_id, array( 6115, 123, 456 ) ) ) ) {

			// Now we check if the user is within a specific Group.

			// Assumed Group_id is 987
			$group_id = 987;

			if ( learndash_is_user_in_group( $user_id, $group_id ) ) {
				$can_bypass = true;


	// Always return $can_bypass.
	return $can_bypass;
}, 30, 4 );