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ProPanel: Filter Chart Data


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 * LearnDash ProPanel Filter Chart data
 * @since 2.0
 * @args $chart_info array Multi-demensional array of chart options and attributes. 
 * @return $chart_info Modified chart array
 * The $chart_info array contains multiple sections. Each section start with the section for each of the two charts:
 * 		[all_progress] - This is the data for the 'Chart Distribution' chart showing the breakdown Not Started, In Progress and Completed states.
 *		[all_percentages] - This is the data for the 'Chart Distribution' chart showing the breakdown of the In Progress states. 
 * Within each of these chart sections will be two sections:
 * 		[query] - The query section contains the data points used for the display of the chart. Each data point is itself an array containing specific keys for label, backgroundColor, hoverBackgroundColor and data. a typical data point may be something like the following section for the not started data point. These data points can be removed as needed. In the case of the [all_percentages] chart these data points sections can be used to control the breakdown of the percentages displayed in the chart. 
 *				[not_started] => Array(
 *					[label] => Not Started
 *					[backgroundColor] => #2D97C5
 *					[hoverBackgroundColor] => #2D97C5
 *					[data] => 0
 *				)
 *		[options] - This is the display options for the Chart.js like font-size, color, etc. The default strucutre is as follows:
 *				[options] => Array
 *                 (
 *                     [tooltips] => Array
 *                         (
 *                             [backgroundColor] => #3B3E44
 *                             [titleMarginBottom] => 15
 *                             [titleFontSize] => 18
 *                             [cornerRadius] => 4
 *                             [bodyFontSize] => 14
 *                             [xPadding] => 10
 *                             [yPadding] => 15
 *                             [bodySpacing] => 10
 *                             [fontFamily] => 'Open Sans',sans-serif
 *                         )
 *                     [legend] => Array
 *                         (
 *                             [display] => 1
 *                             [labels] => Array
 *                                 (
 *                                     [boxWidth] => 14
 *                                     [fontFamily] => 'Open Sans',sans-serif
 *                                 )
 *                         )
 *                 )

// The 'ld_propanel_chart_info_query' filter is called before any data queries are performed. 
add_filter( 'ld_propanel_chart_info_query', function( $chart_info = array() ) { 
	// Some changes to the $chart_info structure. 
	// return the modified $chart_info array
	return $chart_info;
} );	

// The 'ld_propanel_chart_info_results' filter is called after all data queries have been performed to allow any changes before the chart data is displayed. 
add_filter( 'ld_propanel_chart_info_results', function( $chart_info = array() ) { 
	// Some changes to the $chart_info structure. 
	// return the modified $chart_info array
	return $chart_info;
} );	

* Below is a full $chart_info data structure. 
* chart_info<pre>Array
* (
*     [all_progress] => Array
*         (
*             [query] => Array
*                 (
*                     [not_started] => Array
*                         (
*                             [label] => Not Started
*                             [backgroundColor] => #2D97C5
*                             [hoverBackgroundColor] => #2D97C5
*                             [data] => 0
*                         )
*                     [in_progress] => Array
*                         (
*                             [label] => In Progress
*                             [backgroundColor] => #5BAED2
*                             [hoverBackgroundColor] => #5BAED2
*                             [data] => 0
*                         )
*                     [completed] => Array
*                         (
*                             [label] => Completed
*                             [backgroundColor] => #8AC5DF
*                             [hoverBackgroundColor] => #8AC5DF
*                             [data] => 0
*                         )
*                 )
*             [options] => Array
*                 (
*                     [tooltips] => Array
*                         (
*                             [backgroundColor] => #3B3E44
*                             [titleMarginBottom] => 15
*                             [titleFontSize] => 18
*                             [cornerRadius] => 4
*                             [bodyFontSize] => 14
*                             [xPadding] => 10
*                             [yPadding] => 15
*                             [bodySpacing] => 10
*                             [fontFamily] => 'Open Sans',sans-serif
*                         )
*                     [legend] => Array
*                         (
*                             [display] => 1
*                             [labels] => Array
*                                 (
*                                     [boxWidth] => 14
*                                     [fontFamily] => 'Open Sans',sans-serif
*                                 )
*                         )
*                 )
*         )
*     [all_percentages] => Array
*         (
*             [query] => Array
*                 (
*                     [20] => Array
*                         (
*                             [label] => < 20%
*                             [backgroundColor] => #2D97C5
*                             [hoverBackgroundColor] => #2D97C5
*                             [data] => 0
*                         )
*                     [40] => Array
*                         (
*                             [label] => < 40%
*                             [backgroundColor] => #5BAED2
*                             [hoverBackgroundColor] => #5BAED2
*                             [data] => 0
*                         )
*                     [60] => Array
*                         (
*                             [label] => < 60%
*                             [backgroundColor] => #8AC5DF
*                             [hoverBackgroundColor] => #8AC5DF
*                             [data] => 0
*                         )
*                     [80] => Array
*                         (
*                             [label] => < 80%
*                             [backgroundColor] => #B9DCEB
*                             [hoverBackgroundColor] => #B9DCEB
*                            [data] => 0
*                         )
*                     [100] => Array
*                         (
*                             [label] => < 100%
*                             [backgroundColor] => #E7F3F8
*                             [hoverBackgroundColor] => #E7F3F8
*                             [data] => 0
*                         )
*                 )
*             [options] => Array
*                 (
*                     [tooltips] => Array
*                         (
*                             [backgroundColor] => #3B3E44
*                             [titleMarginBottom] => 15
*                             [titleFontSize] => 18
*                             [cornerRadius] => 4
*                             [bodyFontSize] => 14
*                             [xPadding] => 10
*                             [yPadding] => 15
*                             [bodySpacing] => 10
*                             [fontFamily] => 'Open Sans',sans-serif
*                         )
*                     [legend] => Array
*                         (
*                             [display] => 1
*                             [labels] => Array
*                                 (
*                                     [boxWidth] => 14
*                                     [fontFamily] => 'Open Sans',sans-serif
*                                 )
*                         )
*                 )
*         )
* )