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Redirect logged in user when visiting completed course


Snippet #

Important: All snippets are provided as-is without support or guarantees. These snippets are provided as guidelines for advanced users looking to customize LearnDash. For any additional help or support with these snippets, we recommend reaching out to a LearnDash Expert.

 * LearnDash - If the logged in user has completed the course redirect them to an alternate page
add_action( 'template_redirect', function() {
	if ( is_user_logged_in() ) {
		$q_object = get_queried_object();
		if ( ( $q_object ) && ( is_a( $q_object, 'WP_Post' ) ) && ( $q_object->post_type == 'sfwd-courses' ) ) {
			// Uncomment and change the 123 value if checking for specific course ID. This should be the course post ID
			//if ( $q_object->ID == 123 ) {
				$course_status = learndash_course_status( $q_object->ID, get_current_user_id() );
				if ( $course_status == esc_html__( 'Completed', 'learndash' ) ) {
					// If here the user has completed the Course so we redirect them to somewhere else
					wp_redirect( ' );
			//} // Used if checking for specific course ID
}, 1 );